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Substitute fulfilment

We are a traditional employer of people with disabilities and a provider of compensation. We have replacement benefits totalling in the hundreds of millions of CZK per year, so we are prepared to provide replacement benefits on attractive terms and without limitations according to your needs, despite the anticipated general lack of replacement capacity.

What is substitute fulfilment?

Compensation is a mandatory form of support for persons with disabilities (PWD). The obligation is stipulated by the Employment Act No. 367/2011 Coll. and applies to all companies with more than 25 employees, where the share of PWD must be 4% of the total number of employees.
There are three options for fulfilling this obligation: 1. to employ a person(s) with disabilities, 2. to pay the mandatory share to the state budget (approx. CZK 67.5 thousand / disabled person), 3. substitute performance - to purchase goods or services from a company employing more than 50% of disabled people (in the amount of approx. CZK 189.000 / disabled person)

Benefits of substitute fulfilment

By taking your compensation benefits on time, you will meet the mandatory employment rate for people with disabilities. This will save you a significant amount compared to the statutory levy if you do not employ disabled people in sufficient numbers. At the same time, you will avoid a potential penalty of up to CZK 1 million. In return, you will receive quality services to support the smooth functioning of your company's IT.

Submission of substitute fulfilment

At the end of each year, the average wage for the first to third quarters of that year is announced, which determines the amount of the compensation. This gives the exact amount of the compensation payment. By 15 February of the following year, you must inform the Labour Office of how you have fulfilled the mandatory proportion of employment of PWD. You will fulfil the information obligation by submitting it in person, by sending it with a qualified electronic signature or via a data box. We will prepare everything necessary for you and it is up to you to submit it.

Substitute fulfilment from us

People with disabilities have long been our welcome collaborators and make a significant contribution to society. We have been providing the replacement service for many years, providing all related necessary administration, client education and we are ready to contract for this service on a negotiated basis and guarantee the necessary annual benefits. We will provide you with a free consultation on the optimal way of dealing with the legal obligation to employ PWD.

Do you want to know what the legal obligation of employment of PWD is for your company? Have confidence that you are complying with and properly recording everything required?

We provide customers throughout the Czech Republic with design, delivery and service of complex and partial ICT solutions. We offer a modern approach, independent solutions, an experienced team and a variety of financing options.